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Plugin for ZennoPoster:

The method of clicking on the image or the method of dragging the slider is used.
The captcha is solved until the final completion - a green checkmark.


Captcha support:

ReСaptcha2hCaptchaFunCaptchaTikTokGeeTestDatadomBinanceAws Amazon

Current version:

Module versionZennoPoster versionDonwload for ChromeDonwload for Chromium and morev1.1_ruv1.1_ru and morev1.0_ruv1.0_ru and morev0.6_ru and morev0.4_ru and morev0.2_ru


  • Fixed work with proxies, you can specify at what speed the plugin will work:
    -- Working with proxy - waiting for elements to load all frames
    -- Working without proxy - reverting back to the old version of the plugin by waiting for timeouts.
    -- Working with proxy 2 or 3 - waiting 2 or 3 times longer for items is suitable for demanding sliders like Datadom
  • Added maximum number of attempts to solve captcha, max and max2
    -- max (default 5) for CF_Turnstile, Tiktok, YA, Datadom, Geetest, Binance, AWS
    -- max 2 (default 25) for Hcap, Recap, Funcap
  • Fixed Datadom work, added delay to slider


  • Fixed work of hCaptcha, ReCaptcha
  • Added Cloudflare Turnstile solution for chromium
  • For some types of captchas mobile version to work on mobile proxies (used instead of mouse - tach)
  • Fixed FunCaptcha
  • hCaptcha, ReCaptcha - added solution for payupala and checked solution for epicgame.
  • To prevent users from getting errors like "Executing the ProjectInProject action The current Chrome browser is not suitable for the nested project, Chromium is required. The nested project may not work correctly." The distinction between versions by browser is made on purpose

All 3 types of captchas are supported: Normal, Invisible, EnterPrise.
This solution method is convenient because you don't have to look for how to call "callback"
on the site, learn complex JavaScript's to successfully pass the captcha solution.
The module does not create any "dangerous code" inside the browser and does not break others
types of captchas on sites, as it is done by captcha solving actions built into ZennoPoster modules, which means that you don't have to constantly disable or enable this module in your scripts for fear of penalties from the site.

How to use


Solved recapthca -

Solved geetest -

Solved hcaptcha -

Solved funcap -

Solved datadom -

Solved binance -

Solved aws amazon -